Chiltern Academy is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all students.
Our school policies for Child Protection and Safeguarding can be found here:
Keeping Children Safe in Education 2024
As a school we ensure that we are compliant with all legislative and statutory guidance, most notably:
Staff training
All of our staff complete annual safeguarding training as a minimum expectation.
Our safeguarding team have all completed level three training, which is renewed every two years.
This includes:
- Induction sessions for new staff
- Annual refreshers
- Training about specific topics on Professional Development Days
- Regular updates in staff meetings
Student awareness
Students are taught about key safeguarding topics through the curriculum.
They explore a whole range of topics through SMSC, Citizenship and RE. We also explore key themes during form time, where students learn what to do if they are concerned for their own, or others’ welfare.
Working with others
As a school, we are committed to working with other agencies where appropriate, in order to safeguard young people.
This includes working closely with:
- Luton Children Safeguarding Board
- Bedfordshire Police
- Luton Virtual School
- Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services
Safeguarding Posters - Click here
Have a concern?
If you have any concerns about the welfare of a child in the school, please contact the safeguarding team on
Useful websites and local organisations
The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children has a comprehensive website for all aspects of safeguarding. The answers to most questions and concerns can be found on this site.
CHUMS Mental Health & Emotional Wellbeing Service for Children and Young People provides therapeutic support in a variety of ways.
Its unique service model ensures that they support your whole family wherever possible. CHUMS recognise that parent and carers sometimes need some help too in supporting their children when there is a mental health or emotional wellbeing difficulty. All the group programmes offer a facilitated parent/carer group alongside the children and young people’s groups.
Offering refuge, outreach, drop-in, freedom programme. Women’s Aid in Luton is a voluntary organisation supporting women and children who fall victim to domestic abuse. Offer support and guidance to women and children from all backgrounds and circumstances. For some, this will just be someone to listen and for others, this will be to offer them complete support to break away and start again. This may be through our helpline or even through one of our drop-in support groups.
Stepping Stones (Luton) is a charity dedicated to supporting women to transform the stumbling blocks of their lives into stepping stones; creating happier, healthier lives for women, their children and families. They provide a safe, welcoming, non-judgemental environment for women living in Luton and, for specific projects, across Bedfordshire, who have suffered abuse, who are vulnerable due to substance misuse, offending, mental health conditions and/or are involved with Local Authority Children’s Social Care.
working with young people who are in care or leaving care, those who are disengaging with the education system and who are at risk of becoming NEET, or those who are struggling with a range of social and emotional issues.
Youthscape’s approach in Luton involves delivering mentoring and therapeutic group work, specific courses, projects, art installations, alternative qualifications and detached work, a regular drop-in cafe, residentials and Summer Camp. Each year Youthscape work in depth with over 400 of Luton's most vulnerable and disadvantaged young people, and more widely with a further 8,000.
RELATE (Beds and Luton)
With over 60 years of experience Relate Bedfordshire and Luton continues to help people strengthen their relationships and pick up the pieces and start over again, as well as supporting couples, young people and families before things reach crisis point.
The services can support your relationships through all the stages of your life; from being a child, through to your teenage years, becoming a couple, a parent, a grandparent and retiring into old age. Relate aim to build and strengthen your relationships, not just provide a crisis service.
Childnet International, a non-profit organisation working with others to help make the internet a great and safe place for children. You will find all the information you need to keep your child safe online.
ResoLUTiONs is a free and confidential drug and alcohol service for adults, young people and families in Luton. If you have concerns about drugs and alcohol ResoLUTions can help they have two main hubs across Luton, however they work from a range of other locations such as pharmacies and community centres.
What does self care really mean?