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The Library

Chiltern Academy Library aims to promote reading for pleasure and encourages a love of literature.

It also aims to support teachers and students with research-based learning across the curriculum through the wide range of non-fiction texts available.


Chiltern Academy Library is a quiet and comfortable space where students can access a vast collection of popular fiction and curriculum-based texts. We aim to encourage students to become independent learners and develop critical thinking skills. We also promote reading for pleasure as a lifelong habit and provide up-to-date resources to support teaching and learning, which positively impact student well-being.


To access the library's resources, students are encouraged to use the library page on the Pupil Learning Platform, where they can find a wide range of reading initiatives, competitions, websites, and online platforms promoted by the library.

Opening Times:

Monday - Thursday: 08:00 - 16.00
Friday: 08:00 - 15:30
Every lunch time

Book Loans

We have an extensive collection of print and e-books catering to diverse genres to satisfy our students' reading interests. Each student can borrow up to three books for two weeks and must return them on time. In case of any damage or loss of books, the student will be charged a replacement cost. Additionally, students can borrow e-books and audiobooks through our e-library, available on the Pupil Learning Platform.

Accelerated Reader

Research shows that reading for at least 20 minutes daily can significantly improve a child's school outcomes. To support this, pupils in KS3 take part in the Accelerated Reader programme, which helps them choose the most appropriate book for their reading age. After reading a book, pupils take a quiz to test their understanding; the results provide both children and teachers with feedback, set targets, and direct ongoing reading practice. The quizzes also provide points as pupils work towards a target.

Student Librarians

Every year, students in KS3 are invited to apply for the position of Student Librarian. Those selected undergo training to perform various library duties, such as issuing, returning, and shelving books, processing new resources, recommending books to their peers, and helping display library materials. The skills learned by the student librarians, such as communication, customer service, and organization, are transferable to broader society.

We also offer students who are completing their Duke of Edinburgh Award the chance to volunteer within the library, where they can further develop their skills while contributing to the community.

Useful Links

Book Trust

Love Reading 4 Kids

Love Reading 4 Schools

What Should I Read Next

Luton Libraries

What Kids Are Reading 2023