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In HISTORY, our curriculum is designed to:


  • giving students a thorough and broad timeline of the past in which they can make connections and understand their place in history.
  • exploring how our present world has been formed by different events, people, cultures, traditions, beliefs and ideas over time.
  • helping students to challenge simplified tellings of the past, and through listening to a multiplicity of diverse voices, come to a more complex, layered and comprehensive reading of history.
  • encouraging students to go on historical enquiries into the past, to handle a variety of types of sources and to come to respect the richness and value they hold for historians.
  • developing students’ ability to handle interpretations of the past critically  and use their own knowledge to come to their own conclusions about the past.


  • history at Chiltern paints a detailed picture of how society, technology and government has changed over time. By understanding how, when and why change occurs, it allows the students to better understand how it works now and for the future. 
  • the importance of how history fits into the local, national and world-wide community, provides students with a sense of self-worth and allows them to understand themselves better. 
  • exploring other countries, ethnicities and ancestries, helps students develop a greater understanding of those around us, preparing them for the future. 
  • understanding why people may have behaved the way they do, helps students become more compassionate as people and more impartial as decision makers.