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Committed to excellent standards of teaching in partnership with a variety of local and national organisations contributing towards system-wide improvement.

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As Chair of Governors at Chiltern Academy I would like to welcome you to the governance section of the website which provides a summary of essential information, our values and key aspects of our practice.

I have been proud to to have been associate with schools within the Chiltern Learning Trust for twenty years, having worked at Denbigh High School as Associate Principal until 2007. It was at that time I first worked with Mr Douglas as we put together the bid for Sports College status. Since then, Mr Douglas and colleagues built the College into a beacon of excellence and I was excited to be reunited with him as Chiltern Academy came into being a couple of years ago.

Since then, the Academy has made an excellent start and been praised by both OFSTED and the DfE for the high standard of education that has been established. We were delighted to move into the outstanding facilities provided by our new building in 2019 - but fundamentally a school is about talented individuals, not just bricks and mortar. I am therefore so pleased when I visit the school and see a staff of committed and highly trained professionals - from the welcome at reception to the passion with which dedicated leadership team talk about their work.

As Chair of Governors it is my job to lead a team of local people each of whom has a specific area of expertise, united by their desire to see our school thrive and succeed.

I welcome your visit to the school and hope that you will be inspired to further support the Academy to “inspire minds and build futures.”

Chiltern Academy - Local Governing Body

The Board of Trustees are accountable to external government agencies including the Department for Education. They are responsible for setting general policy, adopting an annual plan and budget, monitoring the Trust by the use of results and budgets and making major decisions about the direction of the Trust, capital expenditure and senior staff appointments. The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of my MAT is the one and only accounting officer for the Trust, none of the board members are accountable for the Trust finance. 

Members of the Local Governing Body (LGB) are known as ‘governors’. The Trustees at the MAT have the right to appoint persons to the LGB as they shall determine from time to time. Our Local Governing Body structure falls in line with the structure set out in the scheme of delegation and comprises of: 

  • The Headteacher

  • Chair 

  • Vice Chair 

  • Community governors

  • Parent governors 

  • Staff governor 

  • Co-opted governors

We are very fortunate to have wide range of skills and expertise within our local governing body and a group of people who are passionate about serving their community and obtaining the absolute best for every child.

Our governors provide an exceptional level of challenge and support to our school on a voluntary basis with the sole ambition of raising standards and achievement.

The role of the Local Governing Body is to: 

  • implement and administer the Trust’s policies at local level and report termly to the Board of Trustees

  • monitor and be accountable for the performance and standards of the school to Ofsted

  • govern exclusions in accordance with appropriate regulations

  • consider budget monitoring information and proposals

  • act as a critical friend to the Headteacher

  • represent the views of the community

Governing Body Declaration of Interest 2022-2023

Link Governor Roles

Amy Mansfield  (Safeguarding)  Faiza Ahmad (Assistant Headteacher)
Paul Hammond (Achievement & Outcomes) Shenila Abbas (Assistant Headteacher)
Sinéad O'Doherty (Teaching & Learning)  Lauren Pickering (Assistant Headteacher)
Nicole Isles (SEND) Yogesh Mistry (SENDCo)
Imran Bashir (Specialism) 

Daniel Pallet (Assistant Headteacher) 

Sarah Jackson (Behaviour)

Shazam Mahmood (Assistant Headteacher)

Wasim Akhtar (Careers)

Zoe Walker (Careers Leader)

Michelle McFarlane-Griffith (TBA)


Articles of Association

Click here 

Names of Charity Trustees and Members

Click here 

Date of Appointment & Term of Office

Click here

Attendance Record 2023-2024

Click here for the attendance record at governing board meetings 2023-2024

Contact Details

Chair of Governors 

Name: Mr Paul Hammond

Email | phammond@chiltern-academy.co.uk