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Google Classroom Codes

My child is self-isolating as an individual student 

If your child is self-isolating as an individual and the rest of their class are still in school, they need to join the classroom below.

Please ensure your child has joined the google classroom which has been set up for self-isolation periods for individual pupils. There is just one code for KS3, this is listed below.
KS4 will (year 10) - subject teachers will contact the students directly. 

These are populated with "Remote Learning - Topics in a Day" for each subject which follow the same curriculum content that would be taught in school. You should spend either a whole day or half a day working on the "Remote Learning- Topics in a Day".

Please follow the timetable for your year group which you can find on the google classroom. Please ensure you hand in your "Remote Learning Topics in a Day" when you have completed them.